
Drill Letter FY 2025

Defense Acquisition University

DAU CON Prep Course(s)

  1. Additional Requirements / Directed Studies – DAU Home
    a. ACQ0030 (ALL students) 
    b. PMT0140 (Officers Only) via DAU online training. Due NLT COB Friday, week five of class
  2. Equivalencies granted for completing AATC: ACQ 1010, ACQ 2020, ACQ 2030, PMT 2750, CON 1100, CON 

Officer Packet

Officer Packet Notice:

Please note that the DA Form 4187 does not open directly via web browsers. You must download and open the document using Adobe Acrobat to access and manipulate it.

You should use a government-issued laptop for optimal compatibility and functionality, particularly for the DA Form 4187

NCO Packet Notice

Please note that the DA Form 4187 does not open directly in web browsers. To access and edit the document, you must download and open it using Adobe Acrobat.

We recommend using a government-issued laptop for best results, mainly when working with the DA Form 4187.